For Commissioners

Through our courses and workshops, parents are able to share and reflect on their experiences and concerns. We recognise that one size does not fit all, so our sessions are semi-structured, ensuring that parents feel listened to and valued, with courses being built to their specific needs. Parents are able to leave with a deeper understanding of their children with a set of practical strategies to use at home, tailored to the individual family.

We are both accredited parenting practitioners and have completed evidence based parenting programmes including Parenting Positively, The Solihull Approach, Millpond Sleep Training, Positive Parenting (which includes Time Out for Parents) and the TEACCH approach, recognised by the National Autistic Society. We work collaboratively with many different organisations including Children Centres; Early Years Teams and settings; primary and secondary schools; home tutor groups; charities; parent support and additional needs groups.

Two happy children  drawing in sommer park

Our parenting courses  cover a range of topics including parents self esteem and confidence, understanding the difficulties of being a parent, the importance of time spent with your child, understanding differing parenting styles, realistic expectations and managing different types of challenging behaviours. We offer courses for parents who have children and young people who have additional needs. We include a full evaluation for all of our courses, focusing on outcomes.

Our workshops cover a range of topics including:

  • Sleep
  • Managing tantrums
  • Fussy eating
  • Eating issues for children with additional needs
  • Supporting young people in a digital world
  • Managing anxiety and building resilience
  • Understanding anxiety for Autistic/ADHD children and young people
  • Toilet training

Contact us today via email or phone


Upcoming Events

Whole Setting Staff Training

We offer face to face staff  and Zoom training. If you would like to arrange online or in person training for your staff group please email us for details on 

We are currently building our programs for next year, and so do not have any other dates confirmed for our group work or workshops, however to find out more information or to go on our waiting list, please email us on or use our contact form